1. azmetr::station_info
    AZMet station names and locations
  2. bdffpRain::bdffp_rain
    Rain gauge data from Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP)
  3. bdffpRain::pdbff_chuva
    Dados do pluviômetro do Projeto Dinâmica Biológica de Fragmentos Florestais (PDBFF)
  4. bumbl::bombus
    _Bombus vosnesenskii_ colony growth and estimated floral resources
  5. bumbl::test_df
    Simulated colony growth data for internal tests
  6. webchem::jagst
    Organic plant protection products in the river Jagst / Germany in 2013
  7. webchem::lc50
    Acute toxicity data from U.S. EPA ECOTOX